“Move-Over” Laws in Nevada
If You Have a Fender-Bender Regardless of whether or not you believe there is damage to your vehicle, you must NOT obstruct traffic after a fender-bender. Obviously, if you are in a bad crash and your car is not able to move from the road, this rule does not apply! But if you are able to move your vehicle safely to the side of the road where it does not obstruct traffic, please do so. See NRS Chapter 484E for more about your duties following a crash. When you Notice an Emergency Vehicle (moving) When any official vehicle of a regulatory agency, making use of flashing lights, approaches you from behind (or on the other side of the road) you must yield the right-of-way by immediately driving to a position parallel to, and as close as possible to, the right-hand edge or curb–clear of any intersection. You need to stop and remain there until the emergency vehicle has passed, unless otherwise directed by a police officer. When you Notice an Emergency Vehicle (stopped) According to NRS 484B.607, the driver of a vehicle approaching a stopped emergency vehicle must: Decrease the vehicle speed to a speed that is reasonable and proper and less than the posted speed limit Proceed with caution Be prepared to stop; and If possible, drive in a lane that is not adjacent to the lane in which the emergency vehicle is stopped unless the roadway, traffic, weather or other conditions make doing so unsafe or impossible. Near Bicycles Motorists passing a bicycle must move into an adjacent lane to the left, if possible. If not, you must pass with at...
Update: Facts for Potential Uber Drivers in Las Vegas
Uber is expected to be fully operational in Las Vegas by the end of the summer. But there are quite a few factors to consider before becoming an Uber Driver, including the expenses involved. Uber drivers must pay for their own gas. 20% of the collected fare goes to Uber as a commission an additional $1 per fare is collected by Uber as a “Safety Fee” which funds driver background checks Uber drivers are responsible for their own vehicle’s insurance, maintenance, and additional tax costs All those things considered, it is also important to note that many Uber drivers touch upon the fact that they are not tipped as often (if at all) in comparison to traditional taxi drivers. And, perhaps most importantly: what about the safety of the Uber drivers themselves? Many traditional cab companies have camera installed in the cars for the safety of the cab drivers. This extra precaution does not exist for...
Six Arrested for Repeated Crashing into Law Enforcement Vehicles
Metro currently has six people in custody after experiencing a chain of crashes throughout the Valley, all of which targeted law enforcement vehicles.

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At The Las Vegas Ticket Attorney Law Office, we’re proud of our hard work and customer service. We’d like to share with you what one of our clients recently posted on a social media outlet, as well as sent to our website. Thank you, Kate, for your feedback! * So grateful to the Las Vegas Ticket Attorney office. My boyfriend had two moving violations from when we were visiting Las Vegas last spring and one of them had gone into warrant. Mark, Jenny, and Stephanie all helped us through the process. They were so on top of everything every step of the way. We really appreciate the follow-up phone calls during the times we requested. My boyfriend was nervous about trusting a Vegas Law Office way from out in NYC where we live, but it all came together without any blips. Thanks guys!! Kate M. * To read more client reviews, click...